What is wrong with our health paradigm today?
There is much confusion on what the foundation of health is.
In our western society, we are conditioned to believe certain things—and disbelieve others. Tragically, some very essential keys and approaches to staying well and healthy have been pushed right out of the discussion. Some ideas that are so basic---so fundamental---so crucial---so common sense when you stop and think about them, and yet you never hear about them...
The idea of a BALANCED SPINE is largely missing from the health care discussion on how to stay well. I am not talking about a manipulated spine; I am talking about a spine that has been aligned through precise means and in a state of healing. A spine that has become clear of nervous tension and structural distortions.
I know of only two procedures that deliver A BALANCED SPINE.
Our clinic is the only clinic that will offer both procedures in the state of Utah.
As we explore the ideas of healthcare, we have to understand that there are two kinds of healthcare providers or practitioners:
Chemists and Vitalists.
The Doctor of Medicine is achemist, or atomist; and the NUCCA or Atlas Orthogonal Doctor is a Vitalist. One introduces chemical agents to the body, the other returns vitality to the body through natural but scientific means.
Vitalistic doctors tend to be oriented around Holistic ideas and the procedures that bring about wellness, prevention of disease, improve the quality of life and fix pre-existing problems naturally and scientifically. Doctors of Medicine tend to focus on prescribing chemical agents (drugs), conducting research and performing surgeries.
We do not have a prescription pads, but we offer real solutions to health problems.
Migraines, dizziness, nausea, jaw pain (TMD) asthma, arm, leg, hip head, neck, knee, ankle, feet pain, just to name a few.
All of these symptoms can arise from a body whose FOUNDATION IS OFF CENTER—OUT-OF-BALANCE.
Our solutions are not head-lining in the national debate on health care, but they are based upon good science and common sense and sound methodology—in fact, the procedures we perform offers the best of science, sense and method, and will help you get your HEALTHY FOUNDATION BACK.
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Why is it that so few really good things ever become truly popular? I am talking about things that are actually good for us, and don’t cause a host of other problems? How much money is spent on advertising personal organic gardening? Very little. But how much is spent on imbedding unhealthy behaviors like smoking cigarettes? Or advertising French Fries? We’re all still looking for the BEEF….
There are hundreds of millions of dollars spent on pharmaceutical advertising every day. The advertising efforts are relentless. Advertising influences the way we think. It influences what we consume. And our consumption has consequences—therefore, the effects of our consumption patterns can and are influenced as well.
I would imagine that the reason we consume healthcare is because we want to be healthy—but perhaps we are being duped.. Let’s look at it:
Take a look at HOW the average American sees healthcare. Think of your health insurance policy. Your insurance policy has enumerated your “health benefits”. These “benefits” are supposed to keep you healthy, and, should you fall prey to some illness or another, will help you regain your health? Right?
In your health package, you may have really good prescription drug benefits—
In most cases, will that keep you healthy? No.
The number one cause of DEATH in patients over the age of 65 is “polypharmacy”—meaning drug interaction related death. Great benefit!! Patient’s seeking true healthcare in my clinic are actually able to GET OFF much if not all of their medication when their FOUNDATIONS are RESTORED TO BALANCED through a BALANCED SPINE.
Perhaps you have really great surgical benefits in your policy, but will those keep you healthy?
How many times have I heard a patient who has experienced miraculous results with NUCCA say: “I have told my friend about you, or, I have told my neighbor about what you do, or, “I told my dad about you and he just doesn’t believe it can help him”. “His insurance will cover his back, hip or knee surgery once it get’s bad enough, so he’s just going to endure the pain until he qualifies for knee surgery, or back surgery…” I actually hear these type of comments from patients! And how does one qualify for knee of back surgery? They have to let it get really bad!! OK. That makes a lot of sense-----great benefit.
Some policies have rehabilitation, mental care, and even chiropractic care and nutritional counseling benefits—will these keep you healthy?—they do come a lot closer, but it depends on how you use them. If you use them for prevention, then yes. Sadly, these benefits are the little tiny sliver of things available to most health insurance policy holders.
But by and large, the healthcare system as we have known it was not designed to keep you healthy--IT IS DESIGNED TO REDISTRIBUTE WEALTH. It does this by taking money from you regularly, systematically, and distributing your wealth to the insurance and banking industry. Then, if claims are made, that wealth flows towards the medical industrial complex--- which is made up of hospitals, drug companies, research universities and finally physicians who are all benefited financially when you get sick.
The medical industrial complex guys are benefited when you get sick—not when you stay well! The insurance, investment banking guys are benefited when you or your employer pays your healthcare premiums. They all benefit off of the Big Idea that is being sold as healthcare. They get richer—you get sicker, until you die.
Folks, don’t get hung up in thinking that your health insurance policy—with its inclusions and exclusions is all you need to keep healthy. It’s NOT!
I ask you to keep this in mind: When you consider the real "value", and the actual purpose of your healthcare benefits, please understand that you are basically just using the policy to answer this question: (We’ll call it question-A)
“How is the medical system going to take care of me when I get sick?” And look at it honestly—because most of you who are insured, are ultimately looking at this way. If this is your only solution to healthcare, you are headed towards "a world of hurt". It’s the wrong question.
The right question is: (We’ll call this Question B)
“What do I need to understand and know about myself, and the world I live in so that I can improve the quality and quantity of my own life, and the lives of my loved ones?”
We are taught to believe question A is the right approach to healthcare. I am saying, NO.
Question B is the right question. And if you’re asking question B, then you are closer to understanding what the FOUNDATIONS of healthcare really ARE.
It is:
Keeping your body in its most optimally functional state by MAINTAINING A BALANCED SPINE THROUGHOUT YOUR LIFE, and while doing so,
FEEDING your body with healthy, toxin free nutrients, including
plenty of pure water,
Getting proper rest and relaxation,
Performing purpose driven meaningful work,
Engaging in healthy non-injurious play,
Engaging your mind in uplifting activities and studies in the liberal arts, sciences, religion and humanities. Discovering your vital relationship with your God, and
Learning to love and express your love, and
Receive love from others.
Your BODY is----a most wonderful vessel----- in which---- you experience---- life.
NUCCA and Atlas Orthogonal procedures balance the Body.
A balanced body becomes the key foundation for your health. Everything is better when the spine is in alignment and the body in balance. True, we need good water, plenty of exercise and good food. And if we get these things when our BODY’S ARE BALANCED, we
· assimilate the food nutrients better,
· absorb the water better,
· our blood flows more freely,
· our bowels work more normally,
· we have less pain, more energy, better sleep.
· And YES—pain free living is possible with a balanced, aligned spine.
It is not normal to lose focus and concentration power when you get older!
The medical establishment may sell that "bill of goods", to justify and prepare you to by their drugs...
Keep the blood flowing to the brain,
keep the oxygen and vital nutrients moving into the brain tissues and the other vital organs.
It’s a choice. What do you want to settle for? Healthcare as it is presented? That is not healthcare—it is disease care.
IF you want to feel the very best you can feel, call the clinic, schedule to get your spine balanced and turn on the healing, vital power that has lain dormant. In some cases, it was never switched on—with some of you. Some of you were misaligned at birth and have never experienced vital health. It doesn’t matter how long your system has been hibernating. If you’re still breathing—you can and will be helped by getting aligned.
Everybody needs this. Your friends, your family. What do you want out of life?
I have placed a few interesting statistics produced by the #1 healthcare system in the world--allegedly ours:
(Our American Healthcare system has produced some very interesting statistics)
Abortions 1,210,880 [2nd of 19]
Age of women at first childbirth 24.9 years old [15th of 17]
Drug access 95% [27th of 163]
Heart disease deaths 106.5 per 100,000 people [13th of 26]
Life expectancy at birth > Male 75.29 years
[48th of 226]
Obesity 30.6% [1st of 29]
Spending > Per person 4,271 [1st of 133]
Suicide rate > Females 4.4 per 100,000 people [40th of 80]
Suicide rate > Gender ratio 4.5 per 100,000 people [17th of 76]
Suicide rate > Males 19.8 per 100,000 people [30th of 80]
Teen birth rate 64 [1st of 40]
Teenage pregnancy 494,357 births [1st of 26]
Breast cancer incidence 21.2 per 100,000 females [17th of 26]
Daily smokers 17.5% [29th of 30]
Death from cancer 321.9 deaths per 100,000 people [9th of 16]
Life expectancy at birth > Total population 78.14 years
[46th of 225]
Maternal mortality 8 per 100,000 [121st of 136]
Hospital beds 3.6 per 1,000 people [27th of 29]
Hospital beds > per 1,000 people 3.3 per 1,000 people
[37th of 149]
Physicians > per 1,000 people 2.3 per 1,000 people
[31st of 148] (San Marino: 47.35 per 1,000 people)
Improved water source > % of population with access 100 %
[15th of 176] Definition: Health > Improved water source > % of population with access Source: World Development Indicators database
Consultation with doctors 8.9 per person per year [2nd of 15] Definition: Health > Consultation with doctors Source: OECD Health Data 2003 and Health Data 2002. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Australia's Health 2002
Motor vehicle deaths 15.5 deaths per 100,000 people [1st of 17] Definition: Health > Motor vehicle deaths Source: UNICEF
Per capita government expenditure on health in international dollars 2,368 [5th of 185] Definition: Health > Per capita government expenditure on health in international dollars Source: World Development Indicators database
Percentage of life lived in ill health > Males 10.8% [9th of 29] Definition: Health > Percentage of life lived in ill health > Males Source: OECD
Red Cross donations 221,259,000 [1st of 37] Definition: Health > Red Cross donations Source: OECD Health Data 2004
Child maltreatment deaths 2.2 per 100,000 children [1st of 27] Definition: Health > Child maltreatment deaths Source: UNICEF (1995-1998)