Healing starts with an idea that has the power to change you in some meaningful way. NUCCA has been not only that idea for hundreds of thousands of people everywhere, but it has literally expanded outward into the world as one of the great healing arts of the modern age. It is not merely palliative, but rather fundamentally changing. It is a good first step towards health....sometimes that step is small, but more often it is a giant step forward. I can help you take this crucial step.
Dear Dr. C.,
ReplyDeleteHello...hope you had a wonderful Christ Mas, a great New Year celebration, and, in case we do not see you prior to, we wish you a very Happy Birthday!
Quick question. I have begin taking a product called StemEnhance, have you heard of it. [I signed up to get the best price..]
Walt Stewart
P.S. from Walt S.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a blogger, so how do I know you've replied?..does it appear in an email notice, or do I have to come back to this web site?
Not sure how it appears as I ma new to this as well-- this should hit your email. Let me know if you get this. Stemenhance? Yes, i have heard of it---seems I have a bottle of it rattling around the cupboard... I think that you can subscribe to the Post Comments (Atom) box below and it will put an active icon on your toolbar indicating when comments have been posted...
Hello Dr Chapman,
ReplyDeleteI've heard alot about you from the Healthier New You Radio show. I'm in Phoenix, but listen over the interent. Could you please tell me what NUCCA is/does and how it differs from regular Chiropratic or Naturalpathic pratices?
Hi Jeffi-- Sorry for my absence.. A brief and perhaps oversimplified, yet accurate answer is: NUCCA is a spinal procedure that aligns the spine from the top (C1) down. Because it corrects disturbances at the base of the brain where our autonomic centers reside, it can improve general involuntary function of our body--blood pressure, digestion, breathing. It also corrects our balance and posture. It differs from general chiropractic because its corrective changes are objectively measurable via X-ray. If you have questions, more... call Joyce at the clinic, or ask to speak with me @ 801-655-1801.
Dr. Chapman